Somali Parents Advocacy Center for Education (SPACE)
Our mission is to support, educate, and empower parents to be better advocates for their children with disabilities in schools, in healthcare, and in their community.

Support Programs
Family advocacy programs to build resilience in children, their parents, and the community at large
Disability Advocacy
Advocating for families in the community through working with schools and healthcare institutions to support their children.
Health Literacy Program
Conducting health literacy workshops for English language learners.
Mental Health Resources
Destigmatizing mental illness and opening up the conversation about mental health through educational events and seminars.

Community Role
Building a movement of parents of children with disabilities to:
- understand the symptoms and accept potential therapy methods to improve the lives of their children
- to advocate for their children and others in their community
- to stop the shaming, the shunning, and the stigmatization of disability